Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Q is for queen

     I wonder if I was the only little girl in 1968 that thought being a queen would be a dream come true?  There's a lot of talk about princesses when you're eight.  The idea of being a princess didn't sound horribly bad to me, but being a queen sounded better.  Princesses were always getting in trouble.  Queens had long gowns and big crowns.  They had extra long hair, too, and they ruled the land.  Now, that was cool.  I thought a lot about being a queen when I lived in southern Minnesota.  I was in early grade school and played in my bedroom closet.  The closet had a big white wall perfect for drawing on.  It didn't even cross my mind that my parents might not appreciate my art work.  With crayons I took great care in drawing the most beautiful queen ever.  She was blue (my favorite color) and had a long trailing gown and a huge spikey crown.  When I was finished, I ran downstairs and told my mother.  I found out she didn't appreciate queens the way I did.

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